Friday, February 5, 2010

Away message.

Hi all! I'm so sorry I took a little break and didn't even have the courtesy of posting an away message. Ok so I was gone for more than just a little break. Ok ok, so it was longer than 2 weeks but what can I say I was on holiday! Ok, ok so I wasn't on holiday, instead I was at home sick w/ the plague. Alright I didn't have the plague but it sure felt like it. Incidentally any of you ladies who has a husband who understands what his role is to be when you are sick you should thank him now and tell him how much you appreciate that he knows what he's supposed. I love Mr. G. to death and he is a wonderful man, husband and father but boy oh boy when I'm sick I am left to fend for myself. I mean I get up and get my own medicine, water, food...well I do it all when I'm sick and feel as though I'm dying. You would not have been able to walk into my house that week because my poor Mr. G. God bless his soul does not know how to handle kids, sick wife and housework all at the same time. I think one day I'll leave him for several hours alone with the kids when there's food shopping, laundry and housework to be done as a sort of boot camp type thing and see where that leaves us. Don't misunderstand, my husband DOES housework, laundry, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, the whole nine yards but he's inexperienced in doing all these things while trying to keep order with our two toddlers lil' Lady G. and lil' Lord G. I have been very blessed that my husband does know how to do more than other husbands but my poor man is not very keen on being left alone with the kiddos. Maybe he fears the worst but then in his defense with two toddlers the worst CAN happen and it sure has to me so I don't blame him. Anywho, I was left dying on my bed for days straight while Mr. G's attempts to help me were to take the kids away (out of the house) to let me rest while laundry piled up and dishes collected mold in the sink. Oh boy, I'm so glad to be feeling better and now that order has somewhat been restored I have some free time to blog again and catch up on some Crazy Facebook Status Tuesday (CFST). While bed ridden and hoping to be beaten in the head by a hammer rather than feel as sick as I did I was of course scrolling through my Facebook to find anything that would lift my spirits and as I reached for yet another tissue and more Tylenol Severe Cold which apparently means severe cold as in you have sniffles and a very bad headache not however, severe as in you feel as though every breath you take would be your last and you're starting to see strange leprechaun figures dancing around your room warning about the oil situation on our planet I stumbled upon a few Crazy Facebook Statuses and took mental note to include those in my next post. Now mental note was not a good idea when I was as sick as I was because I'm pretty sure that at some point in there I was unsure who that strange man standing above me was and why those children kept telling me they love me, I did however manage to hang on to the mental image of two of those statuses and I'll share them with you now. These both offered no explanation as to what they meant even when people posted comments demanding to know the meaning of such a post so it's all left up to your imagination. A. Drinking is Thinkin'!
Now I ask, wth is that supposed to mean? Even when you're drunk it wouldn't make sense.

B. How the hell am I supposed to upload a picture of a Manatee?
What?! I can't even say any more on this one.

Share with me your Crazy Facebook Statuses and we can all have a good laugh...hopefully we can cheer up someone who is very sickly and bedridden and thinking about all the chores that await her when she's finally well again, yay.

Note: Crazy Facebook Status Tuesday (CFST) will still remain on Tuesdays. I'll see ya again next Tuesday!

and remember,
don't let the day get you down, just Xtreme cheese!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 or

Hello all! Like millions I'm a Facebook member and I'm here to ask...did someone mistake for It seems that people have a lot of aggression to get out of their system and decided to blurt it to the world of Facebook. Any one else see an issue with this? I'm appalled at what I read sometimes in disbelief that anyone actually wrote that and hit that little comment button knowing that all their "Friends" will read it. How people think it's ok to post their personal problems is beyond me. I actually read one day "If one more person calls me crazy I'm gonna show them crazy" as someones status. Hmmm....let me see CRAZY it's CRAZY just to post that as your status message CRAZY! What did this person actually wish to accomplish with this post? "Oh no, they said if you call them crazy they're going to show you crazy, we better not". I think quite the opposite happened, I think there is now a group on Facebook somewhere where everyone just calls this person crazy and they all have a big laugh. How about the ones who constantly have to let you know where they are and what they are doing and with whom. It seems to me that if you are taking the time to update your status just to let everyone know that you are out having fun and they're not that you are actually not having that much fun at all if you had the time to do all this. And I LOVE the ones who feel the urge to rub things in everyones face like "just bought my new Jimmy Choos for tonight's party, yay" or "At the Lexus dealer thinking of trading in my to come" and swear they don't sound like losers. Oh lordy and then there are the ones who don't quite know how to use Facebook yet and answer someone's e-mail in their status box and ends up looking something like this "Yeah, me and John had a great time at the resort. He's really opened up to me this weekend and we might be taking our relationship to the next level, I just wish his wife hadn't been calling him the entire weekend to double check the itinerary so she knew when to pick him up from his "business trip", ugh". Someone please tell this person what they have done! You know you've seen this kind of thing and haven't said anything to that person instead you've told your other mutual friends to check out their status, lol. Cruel, funny but cruel but a little more funny than cruel, lol. So my dear bloggers and bloggets I think Facebook provides me with enough material to hearby declare this the start of Crazy Facebook Status Tuesday! or CFST for short. Every Tuesday I will be sharing my Crazy Facebook Status experience and I invite you all to share yours! Please don't be shy and remember not to use actual names of people, please keep everyone's identity private. Tell me what you think.

Till next time,
and remember don't let the day get you down...just Xtreme cheese!

Easy tater tot casserole recipe.

Hello all! Ok, first things first...I will admit that I am not passionate about cooking in any way (weird isn't it) no, my husband is actually the one whose cuisine you want to try if ever having the chance. I cook to survive, there's no passion, no enjoyment, no creativity when I cook, I follow a recipe of the basic and if it happens to taste good after it's all done that's a plus. I'm more of a recipe follower. I look for recipes that sound great and (very important) easy enough for me not to screw it all up. I have been known to take a few liberties here and there adding or subtracting ingredients that I have no business fiddling with and disaster is almost always the result. Sooo, with that being said I will tell you that I subscribe to several recipe sites that can assist me in my daily cooking and came across this Tater Tot Casserole dish that sounded very interesting and decided to try it. Everything is very basic and almost fool proof, it was perfect! I'm always very excited presenting new recipes to my hubby since as I mentioned before he is quite gifted in the culinary arts, however, I'm the homemaker and need to have dinner ready for his arrival from work. He seemed to like the idea so I continued on my quest and went to the supermarket and made all my ingredient purchases. A little nervous as always while preparing my dinner because there still is that possiblity of failure and boy it is not pretty. The recipe called for Cream of Mushroom Soup which I quickly substituted with Cream of Chicken see my issue...and at last minute preparation I decided to add another ingredient, yes, it doesn't stop folks and I certainly don't learn from my past mistakes. Even more nervous now as the casserole is bubbling away and I'm marking the time very carefully. The finish product...ok I should get the pot holders cause man that dish is hot! Alright everything comes out of the oven looking fab, I wonder who will taste it first...ok, I'll do it. Fantastic!! My best yet!! I surprised myself! This dish is so yummy yummy ummy (that's not a typo by the way that is indeed how I say it) I could barely believe it was created with my own hands! This dish came out great and it was so easy that I felt the need to share it for other cooking impaired wives and moms out there who dread that everyday task. The recipe is below with my amendments. Enjoy and tell me all what you thought if you make it!

Tater Tot Casserole
1lb. ground beef
8oz. shredded cheddar cheese
1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup
1 can of Evaporated milk
1 2lb. bag of Tater Tots
1 packet of Sazon Goya w/achote
1 generous amount of Adobo (I buy the Goya brand w/pepper but you can really use any kind)

Brown your ground beef first to make sure it is well cooked then season w/Adobo and Sazon Goya. Add 1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup and half a can of Evaporated milk. Stir and let simmer for about 15 mins. Place ground beef mixture on the bottom of your casserole dish and neatly place tater tots over top of mixture (it will take about 2/3 of the bag, unless you want some more tater tot goodness that is). Place casserole dish into 350 preheated oven until tots are a golden brown. Sprinkle cheese over top of tots and let cheese melt in oven. Remove and Voila!! Serves 4 to 6.

Till next time,
and remember don't let the day get you down...just Xtreme Cheese!